Sapienta Sinica

Bibliographic Data

Translator(s)/Commentators(s)Intorcetta, Prospero
Place of translationJianchang -- Administrative.City
Book TypeWoodblock print
Chinese textCharacters and transliteration


Classical Source(s)Great Learning (大学)
Analects (论语)


Location(s) of copies (MS)located @ Biblioteca Centrale della Regione siciliana
located @ Biblioteca Trivulziana
located @ Biblioteca Comunale di Palermo
located @ Biblioteèque Nationale de France
located @ New York Public Library
located @ British Library
located @ Bibliotheca Zi-Ka-Wei (Shanghai Library)
located @ Archivum Romanun Societatis Iesu (ARSI)
located @ Archivum Romanun Societatis Iesu (ARSI)
Later EditionsPaolo Boeonio-Brocchieri, “Sapientia Sinica”, in Confucio e il Cristianesimo, 2 vols (Turin: Tipografia Vincenzo Bona, 1972–1973), 1:1–49.


BibliographyBenedetti, Stefano, “Sapientia sinica (1662): sulla prima traduzione a stampa dei Dialoghi confuciani ad opera di Prospero Intorcetta", in Atti e memorie dell'Arcadia, 3, pp. 167-208, 2014.
CataloguesIn Chan, Albert (2002). Chinese Books and Documents in the Jesuit Archives in Rome: A Descriptive Catalogue: Japonica-Sinica I-IV, New York: M.E. Sharpe: ARSI Jap.Sin III, 3: p. 474; ARSI Jap.Sin III, 3a: p. 477.
In Cordier, Henri (1901). L'imprimerie sino-européenne en Chine. Bibliographie des ouvrages publiés en Chine par les Européens au XVIIe et au XVIII siècle. Paris, Imprimerie nationale, Ernest Leroux editeur: 85-5. 134-2
In Pfister, Louis (1932-1934). Notices biographiques et bibliographiques sur les Jésuites de l'ancienne Mission de Chine: 1552-1773, Imprimerie de la mission Catholique, Shanghai: 75. “Traduction latine du Ta-hio 大学. C'est, dit Remusat,
 le premier travail européen imprimerie sur les 4 livres classiques chinois: il l'a ètè en 1662 avec le texte chinois, a Kien-tch'ang fou 建昌府, au Kiang-si, par le P. Intorcetta. Ce livre est extremement rare" p. 220.
In Bernard, Henri (1945), "Les adaptations chinoises d'ouvrages Européens: Bibliographie chronologique depuis la venue des portugais à Canton jusqu'à la mission française de Pékin 1514-1688", in Monumenta Serica, 10:1-57 and 10:309-388: 397. 1662, Da Costa, “Ta hio 大学 avec traduction latine en caractères européens". Pr. Andre Ferran Foutcheou 25. X. 1660.
SummarySapientia Sinica, including the two-page biography of Confucius, the 14-page translation of the Great Learning and of the first five parts of the Analects, translated by da Costa, and edited by Intorcetta.
It includes a biography of Confucius: “Ad Lectorem, includes Vita Confucj Principis Sapientiae Sinica” [un-numbered folios];

Revised by Pietro Canevari, Antonio de Gouvea, Francesco Brancati, imprimatur by Jaques Le Faure (vice-principal). It includes a biography of Confucius, a complete translation of the Great Learning and a translation of the first part of the Analects [10 chapters]. According to Chan “In folio 2r of Chung-yung (Jap-Sin I, 10)[四书集注, possibly owned by Brancati] there was an envelope which was addressed to Intorcetta: “Ao Pe Prospero [I]ntorxeta da Com. de Jesu” It is very likely that da Costa and Intorcetta made their translation from this edition of the Ssu-shu chi-chu, which according to the “Ad lectorem” in Jap-Sin III, 3a [郭纳 爵(da Costa), 文四书直解,卷之一,大学(Cf. JS III, 3.2- 3).] was published in Nanking”.

1662 Translation of Analects (论语) (Chapter 1)

Title of sectionUnknown
Translation of >Analects (论语) (Chapter 1)

1662 Translation of Analects (论语) (Chapter 10)

Translation of >Analects (论语) (Chapter 10)

1662 Translation of Analects (论语) (Chapter 2)

Title of sectionda Costa Analects Part 2
Translation of >Analects (论语) (Chapter 2)

1662 Translation of Analects (论语) (Chapter 3)

Translation of >Analects (论语) (Chapter 3)

1662 Translation of Analects (论语) (Chapter 4)

Translation of >Analects (论语) (Chapter 4)

1662 Translation of Analects (论语) (Chapter 5)

Translation of >Analects (论语) (Chapter 5)

1662 Translation of Analects (论语) (Chapter 6)

Translation of >Analects (论语) (Chapter 6)

1662 Translation of Analects (论语) (Chapter 7)

Translation of >Analects (论语) (Chapter 7)

1662 Translation of Analects (论语) (Chapter 8)

Translation of >Analects (论语) (Chapter 8)

1662 Translation of Analects (论语) (Chapter 9)

Translation of >Analects (论语) (Chapter 9)

1662 Translation of Great Learning (大学) (Chapter)

Title of sectionLib. Ta Hio
Start page1
End page4
Translation of >Great Learning (大学) (Chapter)