Bibliographic Data
Year | 1667 |
Translator(s)/Commentators(s) | Intorcetta, Prospero |
Place of translation | Goa -- Administrative.City |
Canton -- Administrative.City | |
Language(s) | Latin |
Book Type | Woodblock print |
Chinese text | Characters and transliteration |
Classical Source(s) | Doctrine of the Mean (中庸) |
Location(s) of copies (MS) | located @ Biblioteca Comunale di Palermo |
located @ Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | |
located @ Österreichische Nationalbibliothek | |
located @ Biblioteèque Nationale de France | |
located @ Library of the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) | |
located @ Bibliothèeque Municipal de Lione | |
located @ Biblioteca Centrale della Regione siciliana | |
located @ Biblioteca Nazionale di Firenze | |
located @ Archivum Romanun Societatis Iesu (ARSI) | |
located @ Biblioteca della Facoltà Teologica di Sicilia, Palermo | |
located @ Universiteitsbibliotheek di Leiden | |
located @ Archivo Nacional Torre do Tombo (ANTT) | |
Later Editions | Reprinted without the Chinese text in L. Magalotti, Notizie Varie dell'Imperio della China, In Firenze, da Giuseppe Manni, 1697: Confucii vita (p. 123), Sinarum Scientia (p. 149). |
Adam Franciscus Kollarius, Analecta Monumentorum omnis aevi Vindobnesia, Vindobonae, Typis et Sumptibus Ioannis Thomae Trattner, aulea et inclytorum inferioris Austriae ordinum typogr., anno MCCLXI. Pp. 1211-1256: “Sinarum scientia politico-moralis, secundum authenticum exemplar Sinico-Latinum, a R. P. Prospero Intorcetta Siculo, Societatis Jesu". |
Bibliography | Di Giovanni, Vincenzo. “Prospero Intorcetta, il primo traduttore Europeo di Confucio.” In Atti della Accademia di scienze, lettere ed arti di Palermo, vol. 4, pp. 1–15. Palermo: Ufficio tipografico di Michele Amenta, 1874. |
Golvers, Noel. “An Unobserved Letter of Prospero Intorcetta, S.J., to Godefridus Henschens, S.J., and the Printing of the Jesuit Translations of the Confucian Classics (Rome– Antwerp, 2 June 1672).” In Syntagmatia, Essays on Neo-Latin Literature in Honour of Monique Mund-Dopchie and Gilbert Tournoy, edited by D. Sacré and J. Papy, pp. 679– 98. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2009. | |
Luo Ying, “The Jesuits’ Latin Translations of the Zhongyong 中庸 During the 17th and 18th Centuries”. In Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture 26 (2016), p.1-24. | |
Paolo Boeonio-Brocchieri, “Sinarum scientia politico-moralis”, in Confucio e il Cristianesimo, 2 vols (Turin: Tipografia Vincenzo Bona, 1972–1973), 2:83–199. | |
Rodney Lokaj, Alessandro Tosco ed. Sinarum scientia politico-moralis, la scienza politico-morale dei Cinesi, The political and moral views of the Chinese, Palermo: Fondazione Federico II, 2021 | |
Catalogues | In Chan, Albert (2002). Chinese Books and Documents in the Jesuit Archives in Rome: A Descriptive Catalogue: Japonica-Sinica I-IV, New York: M.E. Sharpe: ARSI, Jap.Sin III, 3b, p. 477; ARSI, Jap.Sin III, 3c, p. 479. |
In Cordier, Henri (1901). L'imprimerie sino-européenne en Chine. Bibliographie des ouvrages publiés en Chine par les Européens au XVIIe et au XVIII siècle Paris, Imprimerie nationale, Ernest Leroux editeur: 85-bis 3. | |
In Pelliot, Paul (1995). Inventaire sommaire des manuscrits et imprimés chinois de la Bibliothèque Vaticane: a posthumous work, Kyoto: BAV, Stamp.Ross.3482: Brief note, p. 62. | |
In Pfister, Louis (1932-1934). Notices biographiques et bibliographiques sur les Jésuites de l'ancienne Mission de Chine: 1552-1773, Imprimerie de la mission Catholique, Shanghai: 427. 1669, Da Costa, Sinarum Scientia Politico Moralis. |
External Resources
URLs | | | | |
Summary | A literal translation of the Zhongyong, without the comments from Chinese commentators, but with a Vita Confucii written by Intorcetta on the basis of the biography in Sapientia Sinica. |
1667 Translation of Doctrine of the Mean (中庸) (Chapter)
Title of section | Scientiae Sinicae Liber secundus, versio literalis |
Translation of > | Doctrine of the Mean (中庸) (Chapter) |