La Morale de Confucius, philosophe de la Chine

Bibliographic Data

Translator(s)/Commentators(s)de La Brune, Jean
Place of translationAmsterdam -- Administrative.City
Language(s)French (FR, FRE)
Book TypePrint
Place of First PublicationAmsterdam -- Administrative.City
Publisher's Imprintchez Pierre Savouret, dans le Kalver-straat
Chinese textNone


Classical Source(s)Doctrine of the Mean (中庸)
Great Learning (大学)
Analects (论语)
Intermediate SourceIntorcetta, Herdtricht, Rougemont, Couplet: Confucius Sinarum Philosophus, sive Scientia Sinensis latine exposita studio et opera Prosperi Intorcetta, Christiani Hedtrich, Francisci Rougemont, Philippi Couplet 1687, - @ Paris [ Latin ]


Later EditionsLa morale de Confucius, philosophe de la Chine / par J. de La Brune; édition de Cazin. Suivi d’une Lettre sur la morale de Confucius / par S. Foucher, 1844.

External Resources

Linked Media
Title page image
SummaryPartial translation of the CSP by Jean de La Brune, or Abbé Simon Foucher, Amsterdam: Pierre Savouret éditeur, 1688. It includes an introduction on Chinese Philosophy: "De l’antiquité & de la Philosophie des chinois (pp. 1-21)".

1688 Translation of Analects (论语) (Chapter)

Title of sectionLivre Troisieme
Start page65
End page100
Translation of >Analects (论语) (Chapter)

1688 Translation of Doctrine of the Mean (中庸) (Chapter)

Title of sectionLivre Second
Start page47
End page64
Translation of >Doctrine of the Mean (中庸) (Chapter)

1688 Translation of Great Learning (大学) (Chapter)

Title of sectionLivre premier
Start page22
End page46
Translation of >Great Learning (大学) (Chapter)