Sinensis Imperii Libri Classici Sex, nimirum adultorum schola, immutabile medium, liber sententiarum, memcius, filialis observantia, parvulorum schola

Bibliographic Data

Translator(s)/Commentators(s)Noël, François
Place of translationPrague -- Administrative.City
Book TypePrint, manuscript
Place of First PublicationPrague -- Administrative.City
Publisher's ImprintTypis Universitatis Carolo-Ferdinandae, in Collegio So. Jesu ad S. Clementem, per Joachimim Joannem Kamenicky p.t. Factorem
Chinese textCharacters in MS, none in printed book


Classical Source(s)Doctrine of the Mean (中庸)
Great Learning (大学)
Analects (论语)
Mencius (孟子)
Classic of Filial Piety (孝经)
Elementary Learning (小学)


BibliographyWong Ching Him, Felix (正) (2013): 耶士方的拉丁文《孟 子》翻 [On the Latin Translation of Mencius of Françcois Noel, SJ], Journal of Chinese Studies 《中文化研究所》, 57, 133-172.
Liscak, Vladimr 2015. "Francois Noël (1651-1729) and his Latin translations of Confucian Classical books published in Prague in 1711", Anthropologia integra, vol.6, no. 2, pp. 45-52.
Luo Ying, “The Jesuits’ Latin Translations of the Zhongyong 中庸 During the 17th and 18th Centuries”. In Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture 26 (2016), p.1-24.
CataloguesIn Pfister, Louis (1932-1934). Notices biographiques et bibliographiques sur les Jésuites de l'ancienne Mission de Chine: 1552-1773, Imprimerie de la mission Catholique, Shanghai: 169. Le P. Françcois Noël, 3. p. 417.
In B. Dorn & R. Rost, Catalogue des manuscrits et xylographes orientaux de la Bibliothèque Impériale Publique de St. Pétersbourg. St. Pétersbourg, IImprimerie de l'Académie Impériale des sciences, 1852: pp. 618-619, no. 842: "Exercices de traduction de la langue chinoise en langue latine par le Jésuite Noël, ou suivant l'inscription sur la feuille servant de titre: Liber sententiarum ex sinico in latinum idioma traductus a P. Francisco Noël Societatis Jesu Missionario Sinensi. | Plus bas: Nancham in China 1700. Une autre remarque est conçue en ces termes: Tirée de la Bibliothèque privée de Mr. P. J. Baudewyns anc. Profess. à l'Académie, Direct. act. de l'Ecole seconde à Bruxelles. Acquis et envoyée au Temple de mémoire à Pulawy ce 27 Nov. 1810 par moi, Général de division Sokolnicki. | Reliée à l'européenne, 3 vol. in-4°Msc."
In Dudnik, Adrianus Cornelis, Chinese books and documents (pre-1900) in the Royal Library of Belgium at Brussels, Brussels: Archives et Biblioteques de Belgique, 2006:

Pp. 40. 19.300: "Immutabile Medium ex sinico in latinum idioma traducum a P. Francisco Noël Societatis Jesu, Missionario Sinensi, Nancham in China, 1700. Manuscript, sixty-two unnumbered folios (21.2 x 15.3 cm), with the just quoted title on the  rst page (f. 1r). It contains the Chinese text, with Latin translation by Francois Noel (1651-179), of the Zhingyong (中庸), Doctrine of the Mean" (or "Immutabile Medium"), one of the Four Books. The edition reproduced (f. 13v-60r) is that of the mandatory Zhongyong zhangju by Zhu Xi, the father" of Neo-Confucianism, whose preface (1189, third month) has been reproduced and translated too (f. 2v - f. 13r). The Chinese text has twelve horizontal lines per page, and eight characters per line (from right to left). This Chinese text is found on the verso pages and reproduced horizontally instead of vertically [...] in order to pair it with the Latin text found on the recto of the next page. Together with the Chinese text, the Latin text starts at the back of the manuscript [...]. The Latin translation of the main text is divided into 165 successively numbered sentences" (notice that starting with the second line [on a new page] of sentence 81 [=Zhongyong 20.9] the Western handwriting changes and corrections are absent [...]. The value of the two original manuscripts in the KBR (MS 19.930-31) is that one can observe how several spots Francois Noel emendated his initial Latin translation of certain sentences
or words.)"
Pp. 42. 19:301: Memcius ex sinico in latinum idioma traductus a P. Francisco Noel Societatis Iesu missionario
Sinensi, Nancham in China, 1700. Manuscript, 424 pages (20.7 x 14.7cm). Chinese text and Latin translation (paraphrase with often additional information) of the book of Mencius (Mengzi 孟子). The layout is the same as in the preceding text (19.930): verso the Chinese text [...], and on the recto of the next folio the Latin translation [...]. As to MS 19.930 (Zhongyong) and 19.931 (Mencius), note that a this manuscript of Noel's translations of the Four Books, that of the Analects (Lunyu 论语), is kept in the National Library at St. Petersburg: Liber sententiarum ex sinico in latinum idioma traductus a P. Francisco Noël Societatis Jesu Missionario Sinensi, Nancham in China 1700." According to a nota on the title-page, it had been acquired from a private library in Brussels and sent to Pulawy (Poland) in late 1810."
SummaryA new Latin translation of the works in the CSP, adding for the first time the Mencius, the Classic of Filial Piety and Elementary Learning, and for the first time making a positive use of Zhuxi’s preface to the Great Learning and his comments.

1711 Translation of Analects (论语) (Chapter)

Title of sectionLiber Sententiarum, sinicè Lun Yu
Start page75
End page198
Translation of >Analects (论语) (Chapter)

1711 Translation of Classic of Filial Piety (孝经) (Chapter)

Title of sectionFilialis Observantia, sincè Hiao Kim
Start page473
End page484
Translation of >Classic of Filial Piety (孝经) (Chapter)

1711 Translation of Doctrine of the Mean (中庸) (Chapter)

Title of sectionImmutabile Medium, sinicè Chum Yum
Start page31
End page73
Translation of >Doctrine of the Mean (中庸) (Chapter)

1711 Translation of Elementary Learning (小學) (Chapter)

Title of sectionParvulorum Doctrina, seu Schola, sincè Siao Hio
Start page485
End page607
Translation of >Elementary Learning (小学) (Chapter)

1711 Translation of Great Learning (大学) (Chapter)

Title of sectionAdultorum Schola, sinicè Ta Hio
Start page1
End page29
Translation of >Great Learning (大学) (Chapter)

1711 Translation of Mencius (孟子) (Chapter)

Title of sectionMemcius, sinicè Mem Tsu
Start page199
End page472
Translation of >Mencius (孟子) (Chapter)

2 copies

Copy of Sinensis Imperii Libri Classici Sex, nimirum adultorum schola, immutabile medium, liber sententiarum, memcius, filialis observantia, parvulorum schola held in Koninklijke Bibliotheek Albertina, Bruxelles

Name or TitleKoninklijke Bibliotheek Albertina, Bruxelles
Call numberDoctrine of the Mean: MS 19.930, Mencius: MS 19.931.
Current locationKoninklijke Bibliotheek Albertina, Bruxelles -- Thematic
Copy TypeSource Manuscript

Copy of Sinensis Imperii Libri Classici Sex, nimirum adultorum schola, immutabile medium, liber sententiarum, memcius, filialis observantia, parvulorum schola held in St. Petersburg Library

Name or TitleSt. Petersburg Library
Call numberAnalects: no. chinois 842.
Current locationSt. Petersburg Library -- Thematic
Copy TypeSource Manuscript