Description de la Chine, Volume 2

Bibliographic Data

Translator(s)/Commentators(s)Du Halde
Place of translationParis -- Administrative.City
Language(s)French (FR, FRE)
Book TypePrint
Place of First PublicationParis -- Administrative.City
Publisher's Imprintchez P. G. LEMERCIER, Imprimeur-libraire, rue Saint- Jacques, au livre d’Or
Chinese textNone


Classical Source(s)Doctrine of the Mean (中庸)
Great Learning (大学)
Analects (论语)
Mencius (孟子)
Classic of Poetry (诗经)
Book of Rites (礼经)
Book of Documents (书经)
Book of Changes (易经)
Spring and Autumn Annals (春秋)
Intermediate SourceNoël: Sinensis Imperii Libri Classici Sex, nimirum adultorum schola, immutabile medium, liber sententiarum, memcius, filialis observantia, parvulorum schola 1711, - @ Prague [ Latin ]


Later EditionsDu Halde, J. B., Description Geographique, Historique, Chronologique, Politique, et Physique de L’Empire de La Chine et de La Tartarie Chinoise, Hague: Henri Scheurleer, 1736.


BibliographyLuo Ying, “The Jesuits’ Latin Translations of the Zhongyong 中庸 During the 17th and 18th Centuries”. In Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture 26 (2016), p.1-24.
CataloguesIn Pfister, Louis (1932-1934). Notices biographiques et bibliographiques sur les Jésuites de l'ancienne Mission de Chine: 1552-1773, Imprimerie de la mission Catholique, Shanghai: 169. Le P. Francois Noel, 3. p. 417. "Bien auparavant, du Halde (Description, t. II, p. 38g) en avait donne l'analyse et des extraits."
Summary2nd volume, with summaries and extracts of the Five Classics and the Four Books, based almost exclusively on Noël, with a general introduction "De la Litterature Chinoise (pp. 284-286)" and a life of Confucius “Vie de Cong fou tsee ou Confucius" (pp. 319-324). It is divided in two parts:

Des King Chinois, ou des Livres Canoniques du premier Ordre (pp. 286-287).
Des Livre Classiques ou Canoniques du second Ordre (pp. 319-384).

1735 Translation of Analects (论语) (Chapter)

Title of sectionLun Yu, ou livre des sentences (summary)
Start page329
End page334
Translation of >Analects (论语) (Chapter)

1735 Translation of Book of Changes (易经) (Chapter)

Title of sectionLy King (Summary, tables of hexagrams)
Start page288
End page294
Translation of >Book of Changes (易经) (Chapter)

1735 Translation of Book of Documents (书经) (Chapter)

Title of sectionLe Chu King (Summary and extracts)
Start page295
End page307
Translation of >Book of Documents (书经) (Chapter)

1735 Translation of Book of Rites (礼经) (Chapter)

Title of sectionLe Liki (summary)
Start page318
End page319
Translation of >Book of Rites (礼经) (Chapter)

1735 Translation of Classic of Filial Piety (孝经) (Chapter)

Title of sectionHiao King, ou du respect filial (summary)
Start page363
End page365
Translation of >Classic of Filial Piety (孝经) (Chapter)

1735 Translation of Classic of Poetry (诗经) (Chapter)

Title of sectionLe Chi King (Summary and extracts)
Start page308
End page317
Translation of >Classic of Poetry (诗经) (Chapter)

1735 Translation of Doctrine of the Mean (中庸) (Chapter)

Title of sectionTchong yong, ou le milieu immutable (summary)
Start page327
End page329
Translation of >Doctrine of the Mean (中庸) (Chapter)

1735 Translation of Elementary Learning (小學) (Chapter)

Title of sectionSiao Hio, ou l’école des enfans (summary and extracts)
Start page365
End page384
Translation of >Elementary Learning (小学) (Chapter)

1735 Translation of Great Learning (大学) (Chapter)

Title of sectionLe Ta Hiao, ou l’ecole des adultes (summary)
Start page325
End page326
Translation of >Great Learning (大学) (Chapter)

1735 Translation of Mencius (孟子) (Chapter)

Title of sectionMeng Tsee, ou le livre de Mencius (summary)
Start page334
End page363
Translation of >Mencius (孟子) (Chapter)

1735 Translation of Spring and Autumn Annals (春秋) (Chapter)

Title of sectionLe Tchun Tsiu
Start page317
End page318
Translation of >Spring and Autumn Annals (春秋) (Chapter)